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Don't "Accept Christ," Rather, Calculate The Cost

Have you ever heard how elite scholars teach themselves a language? Well, I taught myself how to cheat my way through 12 yrs. of school. Not bad, eh? My kind of “elite”. Not bragging, just saying that we can all accomplish such things if we don’t want to try. Wait...what? My reverse logic back in the days of being an idiot. Lord, have mercy. And He did. Imagine: You get on a flight not knowing the pilot cheated in flight school and is now clueless. You need an eye operation and end up blind. The consequence of cheating can be monumental. No thanks.

When I realized I could get away with stuff and no one would know, or care, I thought “Yeehaw. I’m on Easy Street.” Then a terrible thing happened. I grew up and was alone in life. Gulp. Now what? Consequences of cheating end in disaster. Dead brain. I ‘fell through the cracks’ into the cesspool of the heartless. If you don’t know how to think, then you don’t... think. Life ends in death and it’s coming at you in full force like a freight train from hell.

See that man in the mirror? He needs your help, bro, not your excuses or blame. Give him a hand. You can still beat the odds. I was so buried in crap I thought I’d never get out, but I did. And so can you, bro. I learned how to learn. Don’t play the dumb ox. You’ll start believing your own B.S. You don’t need a PhD to understand spiritual things. Not one of the 12 disciples was educated. If you can add 2+2 and not get 8, you can ponder “I am the Bread of life” and find life.85 I was shocked to see what I came up with when I blew the dust off my brain. Laziness is a bottomless pit. You got to win your own mind games to escape it and advance.

Millions of brain cells are waiting to create new 'brain paths' to form a new future of a new man.


We’ve all heard Jesus is the embodiment of God. John 1:1,14 describes this event. He proclaimed Himself to be God and was killed for it. He came in our stupid flesh. Yet, He offers us GOD. How’s that happen? Before Jesus came to earth, mankind lived by instincts, impulse, moods, and the mere dictates of wicked flesh. Despite a culture of lowly outcasts, Jesus said anyone could become extraordinary.33 As a Divine Architect, He presented a blueprint of how to “Calculate” a new life with new thinking. Instead of instincts and impulse, i.e. ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’, Jesus says, “But I say to you...” (Mt.5:38-42).

Calculus is the origin of calculate. It was an ancient math process to break down big things into very small things. In this case, big thoughts and goals into micro-motives where His divine power can enter our sinful flesh. Voila. Jesus wants men to discover their hidden potential, leading us to comprehend the full scope of the living Christ; anointed intelligence. Let’s be very clear: Satan does not want you to think.4 Lazy feeds misery.

Ever see the movie ‘The Italian Job?’ They cut no corners in calculation; netted 35 million of gold bullion. How much more does the “bullion” of eternity deserve such mental investment? Maybe it’s why I am who I am, because I realized God doesn’t require book knowledge or a fancy ‘put on’. We don’t need to cheat off the false propositions of this world. God has put a vast encyclopedia inside us.21 It will lead us to the treasure of our destiny in Him.

In regards to God, the cheat is called religion. No thinking. Just conform. Webster’s dictionary defines religion as “a system of beliefs.” God is not a system. He is the living Father. Conforming to a system cannot generate personal revelation or an individual desire for Him.

I got a Master’s Degree from Fuller Seminary, in Pasadena, California, to make sure I learned accurate Biblical teaching from the original Greek and Hebrew (2Tim.2:15). Despite the seminary being extremely worldly and systematic, I decided to use the scholastic resources to research the popular prayer formula in contrast to the actual words of Jesus. He says, “calculate the cost... follow Me... you must be BORN AGAIN” (Jn.3:3,18:36). He never went around appealing to large crowds to ‘accept Him.’ In every gospel, He commands men to deny self and simply believe Him (Mt.16:24).

I discovered: Two guys named John Wesley and Charles Finney invented “the sinner’s prayer.” Back in the 1800s, “tent meetings” were a common occurrence for people to get funky religious. They concluded the gospel was a bit too difficult “for the common masses.” So they reduced salvation to a quick systematic ritual of an “altar call” and “sinner’s prayer.” Massive groups processed in seconds. Just repeat the phrases. The problem is, this can become the punch card to a counterfeit salvation and bondage to collectivism.

Will you base your eternity on a man-made formula? Is it a testimony to a religious system OR to the living Jesus? This is the most serious issue of your life. To anyone who has bowed to that salesman-like pressure-pitch to repeat a 7-word Finney-Wesley prayer formula, Jesus says you must, “come to Me.” He will use your experience if earnest sincerity is your driving force. He says, “learn from Me” (Mt.11:27-29).

Religion works for the outside, but not for the inside. I talk with countless guys who suffer in great anguish, void of the promises of Jesus. They pretend. “Oh, I already know IT all.” But inwardly they return to wallow in the mud and don’t know why (2Pt.2:20-22). They did what they were told. Done with God. This common mentality is the result of cheating truth. Never once did Jesus ever allude to a ritual for salvation. The Person of Jesus IS salvation.

Without knowing Him, you have nothing but empty delusion. Not once did He ask for a “tithe” as if God is in need, or “sell” a package suited for human desire. He isn’t trying to shove anything down anyone’s throat.

He pulled no punches. Jesus came to impart eternal revelation of God as our Father (Jn.17). Let the truth in. Remember, I love you. You’ve got a man ‘on the inside’, me. What is present here is not my opinion. This is solid Biblical scholasticism based on accurate exegesis and explicit pericopes. If you are troubled over this exposition, it is God’s love meeting you and calling you to find answers in Him. He says “come out from amongst ‘them’ and I will welcome you” (2Cor.6:17).

Calculation is the deepest level of prayer. it is in the honest search, beneath impulsive thoughts and external words, for hidden motives and desires, where we recognize his presence is in the truth that is setting us free.

Instead of one generic act and superficial Bible knowledge, Jesus calls you to find individual destiny in revelation of His Holy Spirit, in contemplative study.35A personal, Heart-to-heart journey. When we get upset over God-issues, it is due to our lack of understanding how His vast dimensions of love unfold as we surrender. The cross is the fountainhead of dreams for a new life. It is a transformation, not an upgraded rehabilitation. It renders us actual fellowship with Jesus.26/44 We ask. He answers. We can replace token religion by a solemn heart of resolute faith in Scriptural authority as of GOD.

Just because someone has crowds on TV, quotes the Bible, or has a title, doesn’t mean their teaching is accurate (Mt 23:33/Mt.7:21). God says in the last days, false prophets will seek to gain fame. You cannot imagine the things I have seen done in the “Name of Jesus.” Leading others into deception ends in torment and weeping for eternity in the lake of fire (Mt.24:24/2Tim.3:1-5/Lk.12:5). No game, bro. Heavy stuff. I’m not speaking against people, but exposing malevolent spirits seducing people for wealth. Don’t criticize or condemn them. Love them. Learn what you can from anyone, but go on to Jesus.

If you think wisdom is beyond you, it’s only because you don’t know you, as God will recreate you through rebirth.24 You can build a library in your mind and a fortress in your heart. But this is not a corporate endeavor. Examine the Scriptures and see how Jesus deals with individuals. 95The true church is the unique outcasts in The Book of Acts (Acts 4:34).


Anything real about finding God comes down to dealing with our hidden motives. Impulsive thoughts can blind our mind from seeing true motives. So they must be broken down. Calculate! A man tells God he needs a car for his grandma. In reality, his motive is to visit his girlfriend and party with his buddies. No big deal. God sees the lie and still loves the guy. Dealing with our true motives is for our sake. It is in solitude with Jesus where He shows you REAL.

Breaking down our big issues into the hidden, tiny desires, leads to monumental peace of mind. 84 God only deals with those who come down to “spirit and truth”.94 It’s where and how God answers prayer. It’s far below our surface image. Being honest about bad motives shows God at work. Just look at David and Paul. They were able to conquer impossible things by admitting downright embarrassing and humiliating motives. It’s where God will always meet you. Bad stuff is no big deal if you’re transparent with God. Lust can suck you in, spin you around, and condemn you. Just be honest. Be real. The more you go back and forth with God, about the nooks and crannies of your thinking, the more you will see His love. What we think is so big to get beyond, shrinks. God wants YOU in spirit and truth.

Calculation produces a deeper set of eyes. It is discernment to see ourselves beyond our outward appearances (1Cor.2:14-15). And then be humble. It protects you and leads you to turn complex issues into clarity of mind. The cross is not a morbid symbol, but a promise flashing, “FREEDOM FROM SELF FOUND HERE.” Calculation is where you realize you have no reason to hide motives. God sees it all and loves you, bro. Just give it to Him. Get beyond your ego (Heb.4:12).

Strip down the worst problem you have, to what, why, how, etc. Talk to God about it, knowing He loves and cares about you. Don’t give up until you can face it and say, “So what?” This is the priceless power of calculation. You’re free. Mix in some resolution and you got a fix. We can’t stop impulse fear, but we can train an attitude of reflection.

A guy once asked me how not to fall asleep when he reads the Bible. I told him get some sleep. Try again. I do it all the time. God’s Spirit awaits within the black letters on white pages. I call it pray/read. I’m talking to God while I’m reading. Start in the Gospel of John. 5 minutes of intense heart is better than an hour of meandering. While I “wait” on His Presence, I “break down” (scrutinize) Scriptural revelation.

Brains work, despite the owner. It’s like a calculator. If you program in a problem it will give you the answer. New thoughts will automatically inspire you.

Just like each man has an amazing backstory, so too does every parable, truth, and passage waiting to speak. When Jesus said “Come to Me”, He knew when He said that, you wouldn’t find Him in Israel as you read it.80 He’s in the Word today. Deep calls to deep. It is the only communication of salvation. The living Jesus reveals the living Father Who sends His living Spirit upon the Scriptures to become living (Rev.1:18). I know. A lot of “livings.”You got to get beyond token religiosity to substance. Intelligent love is the gift of the Incarnation. Chisel away day by day, just you and God. Work your way off your SELF and into the Word. Failure is not occasional. We exist in a fallen nature, but can live by His Word. I do not operate off of a success/failure index, but faith.

So, brother, do a bit of calculation on who you want to become. Drink a few sips of “living water.” Reflect a noble man with noble plans.


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